Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A little bit of Summer

Often, after a long day, I stand and look out into our tiny, postage stamp sized yard. Here in the City, a yard is a premium item. Surrounded by other yards, it is a quiet oasis in our busy little metropolis. I can quietly view the space, listen to the birds in the trees, and reflect upon the trials and rewards of the day.

Shi Shi, a friend's pup-pup.
Summer Party in S.F. Ca, 2010

Growing Up

My Eldest. :) So proud!

My eldest and our 'Asian Daughter'
8th Grade Graduation, Summer 2010

Monday, July 19, 2010


Sometimes... everything is just a matter of perspective.

My Little DJ

Earlier this year, my son was invited to participate in a radio program featuring children involved in the Omega Boys Project. It was a really unique opportunity and we had a blast getting to hang out in a real, live radio station for a few hours. I was allowed to spend some time in the engineers booth and got to take some shots of his sound board. Very cool stuff.

M in the studio with the other Omega Boys and the gentleman running the show. It was very educational. Eventually, they asked us parents to come into the sound booth too...

M hanging out in the control booth. DJ M!


I have lost count of the days... live has been what life will be... but I have not given up on my photography. I actually take more photos than I realized. Just catching up on a small number of edits has been a major challenge...

...but tonight... I bring you a few...

Just a bit of landscape somewhere in the middle of nowhere on the I-5 as we headed to Vegas.
I was particularly captivated by the intricate folds in the landscape.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Day Twenty-six - Impressionism

As much as I love our bedroom... I find the lighting in this one particular room of our house to be absolutely horrid. You can't take a picture in there for anything. But here I was tonight, trying to take pictures in a bloody dim room... with no flash, because, y'know... I hate using a flash.

End result... camera iso jacked up to 1600 and I get dark grainy photos...


but...I did like the look of a few of them... they had a soft fuzziness that rather put me in mind of impressionist painters. Why can't one be an impressionist photographer if one so chooses, deliberately manipulating the camera for textures and edges that are not sharp and clear?

it bears pondering...

Day Twenty-five - ThaiDeco

Over the past summer, by boyfriend and his son constructed a wonderful 'dining temple' for our living room. Our current decorating theme has taken a world travelor flair and our living room theme was inevitably Thai after finding a beautiful antique, hand carved, Thai table in the window of a little shop down the street. Adorning the front of our magnificent loft, is a set of panels which, when assembled, form a giant curving arch of swirling and spiraling leafy shapes.

It's really something else... especially when backlit... as it was when I started taking pictures of it. :D