Thursday, January 14, 2010

Day Fourteen - Generation

My subject tonight is my great-grandmother's wedding ring. I knew my Great-Grandmother, Anna. For many years, we would go to Greatgrandma and Greatgrandpa's house for Sunday Dinner, a very big deal to my large, traditional Portuguese family. When I graduated from college, the ring became mine, as my Great-Grandmother had long since passed from this world, as had my Grandmother.

Tonight's challenge was to capture the diamond. Jewlery, as I have found before, can be tricky to take pictures of. Those stones are transparent and full of prismed edges that throw light around in a most uncooperative manner. A flashlight (a small mag) held in such way as to illuminate the diamond from behind allowed me to bring the little blighter into focus, then we just shifted in such a way as to illuminate the ring from the foreground.

Now... I'm off to get a snack!

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