Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day Twenty - my Bean

14 years ago today...the first of my children came into this world. In fact... it was right around this time at night on what had been a very stormy, rainy day. I had asked the nurses to open the windows to the room I was in so that I could smell the rain in the air and cool off the room a bit.

Fourteen years... it seems like it was just yesterday that she was a tiny baby.


  1. This is a really cool portrait shot!

  2. Thanks! Laura actually gets all the credit. She told me exactly how she wanted her new FB picture to look... so we went down into her room and got it set up. the backdrop was kind of my the background would be nicer than her blinds and general bedroom mess. o.O Hee... it's a rainbow striped fleecy blanket! :D
