Saturday, January 23, 2010

Day Twenty-Two - Rain Kissed

One of the charms to our micro-melrose are all the plants. We've a neighbor or two who just adore plants. You'll find them all throughout the front courtyard, along the sides of the stairs of the victorian, on the patios of the cottages, in tiny clever tins tacked to the stair-rails to the rear of the victorian, EVERYWHERE in our yard and home... truly everyone who lives here loves plants.

Recently, we have had much rain (very much needed and not at ALL begrudged!). There is nothing like a fresh, heavy rain to leave a coating of liquid gemstones adorning all the foliage in our yard. When I got home from work, there was a brief break in the rain and I was able to run outside, camera in hand, and get a few shots of some of the flowers in our yard just before the sun went down.

...for my pop. xox

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