Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Day Twelve - Salvation (Composition)

I try to take my camera with me everywhere and am often inspired to take photos of natural elements that strike my fancy. But after three years of intensive product photography, I have found myself a bit less inspired in a creative way with my 'ax'.

When I started this project, I started with a few random shots that seemed to fit in with the season, but already, I feel myself really wanting to know what I'm going to shoot before I start shooting.

Tonight, I knew I wanted a composition. But what? I rummaged about trying to find inspiration. Feeling an innate maternal drive to prepare dinner and see to the welfare of the little ones, I had to give up my search and hustle upstairs to prepare dinner. Between heating oil and breading chicken... I continued in my search for some subject and finally settled upon my subject of the evening.

There are those in this life who strive to do good. In every aspect of their lives, they truly strive to bring goodness and justice to those around them. I am fortunate enough to know such a person.

There is a famous sculpture of the praying hands by Albrecht Durer. Stories say that he used his brother's hands as the model for this picture, in return for his brothers long labors to help pay for his education as an artist. It's a beautiful work. I wanted to create something similar, and was able to use the hands of that honorable man who has done so much for so many others in his life.

They are the hands of a healer.

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